Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I have finally started doing something with my sidebar. It's about time--I've been lazy about it for way too long. So far, I have added "Donate to Project Beagle" (a very worthy project)

and I have also joined the atheist blogroll
join the best atheist themed blogroll!
I have my atheist blogroll set to show 25 links at a time. Within the next few days, I will be creating my own blogroll (some of whom are already on the atheist blogroll, but since it's a rolling 25, I'll repeat them) as well as links to several of my other favorite sites--science related and otherwise.

And while I'm at it, I would like to send a big thanks out to those bloggers who've already added me to their blogrolls (all the while I've been too lazy to make my own).
Jen Luc
Of course, the fact that they're all female has absolutely no effect on my male ego. I swear!

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